abbas799ab@ ger

Happy Friday!

Welcome back some people and new face tonight in my class. Everyone love all the food and fun to work with.What a happy Friday and great tea...

Tomato egg fried rice 西紅柿蛋炒飯/ 蕃茄蛋炒飯

Simple lunch today, tomato and egg fried rice. Tomato and egg are such good combination, universal favourite. I am sure there is at least one dish made with tomato and egg in every country. Just Chinese dishes I can count at least half a dozen classics with just two simple ingredients like:

Stir fried egg and tomato 西紅柿炒雞蛋/ 番茄炒蛋
Omelette crepe and tomato soup 番茄煎蛋湯/ 西紅柿煎蛋湯
Tomato and egg geda

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