abbas799ab@ ger

Happy Friday!

Welcome back some people and new face tonight in my class. Everyone love all the food and fun to work with.What a happy Friday and great tea...

Homemade Boudin Recipe at Nola Cuisine

From Homemade Boudin

Check out my homemade Boudin recipe at my main site Nola Cuisine!

Boudin is one of the things I dream about when thinking of Louisiana when I'm back home in Michigan. When the longing gets to strong, I make a big batch to enjoy for a few days!

My Homemade Boudin Recipe

Boudin is great as a stuffing as well! Here is a pick of my Boudin stuffed Pork Chops!

From Homemade Boudin

Be sure to also check out my newest site American Gourmand which is the sister site to Nola Cuisine!

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